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Beautiful boxed set of Winton Tumblers, Flutes and Waters!
M1930048 - Winston Luxury Box Clear - Retail $295 - Stock 20
M1930948 - Winston Luxury Box Green - Retail $295 - Stock 2
Share your morning cup or afternoon tea with a loved one this Valentine's Day!
H.Tea.1 - Teatime Cup and Saucer White - Retail $38 - Stock 24
H.Tea.3 - Teatime Cup and Saucer Black - Retail $38 - Stock 24
H.Tea.6 - Teatime Cup and Saucer Turquoise - Retail $38 - Stock 24
M2471149 - Lucilla Cup and Saucer White - Retail $30 - Stock 24
Memento Originale glass in the new Double Old Fashioned shape, made of handcrafted blown glass, showcases artisanal techniques that give each piece its unique and personalized character, a distinctive signature of the Memento brand. A unique creative process that, through the vibrancy of the bubbles, captures the absence of color and material, granting the glass a distinctive and original aesthetic dimension. A perfect balance between color, beauty, craftsmanship,
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